Stolen Shakespeare Guild Auditions
· Book by Thomas Meehan and Mark O’Donnell
· Music by Marc Shaiman
· Lyrics by Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman
· Based on the New Line Cinema film, written and directed by John Waters
· Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
Production Dates: July 11, 2025 – July 27,2025
· Directed by: Tatum Love
· Music Direction by: Lauren Morgan
· Choreography by: Jessica Peterson
· Asst. Director: Olivia Hopkins
· Stage Manager: Katy Hill
Audition Information
When& Where:
· Sunday, April 6, 5:00–8:00 PM and Monday, April 7, 7:00–10:00 PM
· Location :First Christian Church, Irving South - 114 West Grauwyler Rd. Irving, TX 75061.
· Auditions are by appointment only.
How to Schedule an Audition
To book an audition appointment, email us at with your contact information.
What to Prepare
· Vocal Audition: Prepare to sing 32 bars of a Broadway song. Accompaniment will be provided, sobring sheet music for the accompanist (a speaker can be provided if needed.)
· Dance Audition: Wear comfortable clothing and shoes appropriate for movement, as a short dance combination will be taught.
· Acting Audition: Beprepared for cold readings from the script.
· Materials: Bring a printed copy of your headshot and resume to the audition.
Additional AuditionInformation
· Callbacks: If necessary, callbacks will be announced later.
· Facebook Audition Group: Join the SSG Auditions Facebook group for updates, sides, and casting announcements. We will contact you directly only for callbacks or casting offers.
Compensation for Non-Equity Actors
· $100 stipendfor non-equity actors
· An addition, $50.00 bonus for SSG actorensemble members. (To become an ensemble member, you must have participated in at least 10 different SSG shows as an actor, actress, or performer.)
· Two complimentary tickets for the opening weekend (subject to availability)
· Actor’s Pass: Allows free admission to the opening weekends of future SSG shows for one year(non-transferable; subject to availability)
Equity Actors: We are currently unable to offer Equitycontracts.
Important Notes Before Auditioning
· Rehearsals may begin as early as May 15, 2025 in Irving and will later move to our newtheatre at 3623 Decatur Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76106.
· We are committed to a safe and respectful environment—bullying and discrimination of anykind will not be tolerated.
· Cast members mustparticipate in strike to receive their stipend..
· Health & Safety: We take precautions toprotect our cast from illnesses (including colds, flu, and COVID-19) and may implement mask-wearing or other measures if needed.
· Some roles or scenes may involve physical contact or intimacy (e.g., kissing,hugging).
Roles Available
All roles are open.
· Cast Size: 11–20 performers
· Dance Requirements: Heavy
· NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER MTI< IMPORTANTCASTING INFORMATION: Please note that the cast members in your production of Hairspray must accurately reflect the character descriptions contained in the script.
Character Breakdown as provided by the publisher:
Tracy Turnblad
Our story's unsuspecting protagonist, she is large and incharge. Confident, talented, and incredibly determined. A romantic with a good heart and desire to cut up the dance floor. Always on top of the latesttrends. This role should be played by a white actress.
Gender: female
Age: 15 to 20
Vocal range top: G5
Vocal range bottom: G3
Corny Collins
The charismatic host of the Corny Collins' Show. Goodlooking and smooth talking, he is a genuinely nice guy both on and off camera. Corny should be played by a white actor.
Gender: male
Age: 25 to 35
Vocal range top: A4
Vocal range bottom: D3
Edna Turnblad
Tracy's big and blonde mother. She is a working housewifewho has lost her confidence and dream to be a plus-size clothing designer. Boisterous and commanding. Often played by a male in drag. This roleshould be played by a white performer.
Gender: male
Age: 30 to 50
Vocal range top: G5
Vocal range bottom: F3
Penny Pingleton
Tracy's best friend and dorky sidekick. Not the brightestgirl, but she has good intentions. Bursting to get free of her mother's dominating control, she falls for Seaweed with childlike curiosity. Thisrole should be played by a white actress.
Gender: female
Age: 15 to 20
Vocal range top: G5
Vocal range bottom: A3
Velma Von Tussle
Amber's mother and the director of Corny Collin's show.She is a devious taskmaster and snobby racist. The former Miss Baltimore Crabswill go to any length to ensure her daughter is the next big thing. This roleshould be played by a white actress.
Gender: female
Age: 45 to 55
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: G3
Amber Von Tussle
Link's girlfriend and Tracy's nemesis. She is pretty,thin, shallow, snobby, and racist. Can't dance but is expected to win Miss Baltimore Hairspray. Always feels the need to be the center ofattention. This role should be played by a white actress.
Gender: female
Age: 15 to 20
Vocal range top: F5
Vocal range bottom: A3
Link Larkin
The star heartthrob on Corny Collins' show. He isextremely attractive and talented. Hoping to get his big break with a recording contract, he unexpectedly falls for Tracy. This role should be played by awhite actor.
Gender: male
Age: 15 to 20
Vocal range top: A5
Vocal range bottom: G3
Seaweed J. Stubbs
Tracy's classmate and friend, who is discriminatedagainst due to his skin color. He is cocky but surprisingly lovable. Talented in song and dance. He falls for Penny. Seaweed should be played by a Blackactor.
Gender: male
Age: 15 to 20
Vocal range top: D5
Vocal range bottom: F3
Little Inez
Seaweed's little sister. Little Inez should be played bya Black actress.
Gender: female
Motormouth Maybelle
Seaweed and Little Inez's mother, she also appears as theGuest DJ on the Corny Collin's Negro Day show. Big, blonde, beautiful and proud of it. She is sassy and confident. This role should be played by a Blackactress.
Gender: female
Age: 40 to 50
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: F3
Wilbur Turnblad
Tracy's simpleminded and kind father. He owns a joke shopand supports his daughter in spite of everything else. He also loves his wife, Edna, very much. This role should be played by a white actor.
Gender: male
Age: 55 to 65
Vocal range top: A5
Vocal range bottom: A3
Prudy Pingleton
Penny's strict mother. Very conservative, controlling,and closed minded. This role should be played by a white actress.
Gender: female
Age: 40 to 50
Vocal range top: B4
Vocal range bottom: D4
Corny Collins' Kids (Tammy, Brad, Brenda, Sketch, Shelley, Etc.); Students; Prostitutes; Protestors